Pręgierz. Tyniec nad Ślęzą (niem. Gross Tinz), powiat wrocławski
Powiązana literatura
- J. Milka, Pręgierze. Kamienne pomniki dawnego prawa na Dolnym Śląsku, cz. 1, Świdnica 1991, s. 38.
Pillory. Tyniec (German: Gross Tinz), poviat: Wrocław.
- The brick pillory is located in the center of the town, next to the church of St. Michael the Archangel.
- Description: the object was based on a square plan. It is the only pillory made of red brick. The facility was topped with a carp roof, the corners covered with ridge tiles, and a stone ball was placed on its top. Its height is over 300 cm, four metal rings with a diameter of 10 cm have been preserved, mounted over 2 m from the ground level.
- Comments: the object requires protection and fillings both in the base of the pillory and in the roof tiles covering it.
The most important literature:
- J. Milka, Pręgierze. Kamienne pomniki dawnego prawa na Dolnym Śląsku, pt. 1, Świdnica 1991, p. 38.
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