Szubienica. Żagań (niem. Sagan), miasto powiatowe
Powiązana literatura
- D. Wojtucki, Urządzenia penitencjarne Żagania w dobie nowożytnej, „Pomniki Dawnego Prawa”, z. 3, 2008, s. 7-15.
- D. Wojtucki, K. Wojtucka, M. Majorek, B. Świątkowski, H. Rutka, Alte Hinrichtungsstätte in Żagan/Sagan im Lichte der interdisziplinären Forschungen, „Anthropologia integra”, 10(2), 2019, s. 17–29.
Gallows. Żagań (German: Sagan). County town
- Żagań (German: Sagan), a county town.
- The former execution site is located approximately 1.5 km north-east of the current town center.
- Description: the foundation was laid on a square plan with sides of 6.8 m. The average width of the walls ranged from 76 to 94 cm. A brick threshold has also been preserved on the eastern side, confirming the location of the entrance to the gallows.
- Comments: the Żagań gallows is a unique structure among this type of objects. It was the only one among the known Lower Silesian gallows to be built on a quadrangular plan, and in fact, a previously existing structure, but with a different purpose - a motte-type structure, was used to build it. The gallows was archaeologically examined in the years: 2014, 2018-2020. During the research, bone material, metal and ceramic artefacts were discovered, dating from the period when the facility functioned as a motte-type structure and from the later period, after it was rebuilt into a gallows.
The most important literature:
- D. Wojtucki, Urządzenia penitencjarne Żagania w dobie nowożytnej, „Pomniki Dawnego Prawa”, z. 3, 2008, s. 7-15.
- D. Wojtucki, K. Wojtucka, M. Majorek, B. Świątkowski, H. Rutka, Alte Hinrichtungsstätte in Żagan/Sagan im Lichte der interdisziplinären Forschungen, „Anthropologia integra”, 10(2), 2019, s. 17–29.
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