Kamień graniczny. Jemna (niem. Raschdorf), pow. ząbkowicki
1. ściana:
Ao 1730
RASCHGRVN[…] oraz herby klasztorów w Henrykowie i Zirc na dwóch owalnych tarczach nałożonych na kartusz z ornamentami roślinnymi.
2. ściana:
LAMPERSDORF oraz herb von Nimptsch z hełmem, labrami i częściowo zniszczonym klejnotem
3. ściana:
RASCHDORF oraz nieczytelny herb (prawdopodobnie von Haugwitz) na owalnym kartuszu ozdobionym ornamentem roślinnym
Powiązana literatura
- J. Organiściak, Kamień na Trzech Granicach (Jemna, Góry Sowie), „Karkonosz”, z. 5, 1991, s. 50-56
- Słownik geografii turystycznej Sudetów, t. 11, Góry Sowie, Wzgórza Włodzickie, red. M. Staffa, Wrocław 1995, s.
Border stone. Jemna (German: Raschdorf), Ząbkowice district
- A boundary stone located at the crossroads of three borders on the pass between the Rozstaje and Malinowa mountains. It was originally placed right at the intersection of forest roads, in recent years it was moved about 20 m to the southwest and placed on a slope by the road.
- A boundary stone located at the crossroads of three borders on the pass between the Rozstaje and Malinowa mountains. It was originally placed right at the intersection of forest roads, in recent years it was moved about 20 m to the southwest and placed on a slope by the road.
- Date: 1730
- A three-sided object, originally probably in the form of a rather short obelisk, marking the point of convergence of the property boundaries in Kolonia Jemna (Raschgrund), Grodziszcze (Lampersdorf) and Jemna (Raschdorf). On each of the three sides there are inscriptions and heraldic images:
1. wall:
Ao 1730 RASCHGRVN[…] and the coats of arms of the monasteries in Henryków and Zirc on two oval shields superimposed on a cartouche with plant ornaments.
2. wall:
LAMPERSDORF and the von Nimptsch coat of arms with a helmet, labras and a partially destroyed jewel
3. wall:
RASCHDORF and an unreadable coat of arms (probably von Haugwitz) on an oval cartouche decorated with a plant ornament
The most important literature:
- J. Organiściak, Kamień na Trzech Granicach (Jemna, Góry Sowie), „Karkonosz”, z. 5, 1991, pp. 50-56
- Słownik geografii turystycznej Sudetów, t. 11, Góry Sowie, Wzgórza Włodzickie, red. M. Staffa, Wrocław 1995, pp.
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